The Comprehensive List of Distance Learning Resources for Educators

We’d say the obligatory “we’re all in this together,” but the truth is that as an educator, you are helping to lead the way through this.
The rapid shift to a distance environment is dizzying.
To do our part, we’ve spent the last several months talking to educators on the ground to tell their stories, share their strategies, and laugh and cry collectively. The result is this page.
How to Set Your Class Up for Distance Learning Success
In a matter of days, millions of students across the United States transitioned to distance learning environments. And now, the 2020-2021 school years looks to be an amalgamation of online and blended learning.
As this transition happens, educators are completely redesigning curriculum and instruction and optimizing teaching practices for this new environment.
To enable educators to quickly set their class up for distance learning success, we spoke to digital communication expert, A. Lee Judge, and eLearning designer, Nicasia Anzalone Caires, who shared strategies on delivering remote instruction, engaging students, and reaching out to parents and families at a safe social distance.
To help you launch your distance learning plan, they addressed the following topics:
- Configuring Your Distance Learning Tech Stack
- Developing Communication Strategies for Your Distance Learning Environment
- Optimizing Instruction for a Virtual Medium
For an in-depth look at these strategies, download the distance learning guide, and if you are more an auditory learner, download the distance learning webinar.
Configuring Your Distance Learning Tech Stack
With the transition to online environments, educators, students, and parents had to explore and adopt a wide range of tools and pick up on new skills quickly to help manage this rapid change.
In this article, learn about the tools already at your disposal to deliver synchronous and asynchronous instruction online. Plus, review tips for keeping your students safe and your online classroom in order.
⮕ Read: Configure Your Tech Stack: Distance Learning Basics Part 1
Additional Resources
How to Use Screen Capture Tools to Record Instructional VideosTeleconference Tools You Can Use for Distance Learning
Ways to Prepare School IT for the Transition to Digital Learning
Developing Communication Strategies for Your Distance Learning Environment
In the physical classroom, teachers are able to easily interact with students, encourage them as they learn, and communicate to them how they feel. In an online environment, teachers don’t have the benefit of that face-to-face connection.
In this article, learn how you can foster that sense of community and support by developing an effective communication plan that is consistent, simple, and cohesive for students and parents. Plus, explore different methods and formats you can use.
⮕ Read: Develop a Communication Strategy: Distance Learning Basics Part 2
Additional Resources
Why Relationships Are Essential to Virtual LearningStrategies to Communicate with Students Online
How to Create the Perfect Email to Communicate with Parents Online
What You Need for an Online Learning Website
How You Can Use Padlet for Virtual Learning
Optimizing Instruction for a Virtual Medium
To begin optimizing instruction for virtual mediums, it’s important to consider what differentiates a physical versus virtual environment.
- How did you communicate?
- How did you manage your materials?
- How did you assess learning?
- How did you have your students collaborating?
Because of these differences, changing to a virtual classroom means evolving how you deliver instruction and the materials you use to foster learning. In this article, discover how you can redesign learning online for a synchronous or asynchronous environment, as well as the steps to set up a home video studio.
⮕ Read: Optimize Your Teaching Practice: Distance Learning Basics Part 3
Additional Resources
Five Strategies to Enhance Your Home Video StudioFour Ways to Involve Students in Distance Learning
How You Can Optimize Instruction for Online Learning
Advice for Synchronous Learning in Online Environments
Advice for Asynchronous Learning in Online Environments
How Education Transitioned
Despite the immense challenges witnessed in the spring of 2020, the education community rallied in so many positive ways to keep students learning, to foster a sense of togetherness, and to keep the school spirit alive.
With schools closed, the traditional system of education ended abruptly. What does this new form look like? Some students joined classes remotely, others completed take-home worksheets, and many weren’t learning altogether. Here is a look at some of the different strategies as this ‘new normal’ took hold.
⮕ Explore distance learning approaches from across the country
Much like crises of the past, the coronavirus pandemic will leave a lasting footprint on society, causing us to rethink how we live, work, and learn. In fact, we need only look at other pandemics to see how deadly outbreaks recalibrated the economy and ways of life.
⮕ Learn how the pandemic will impact the future of work and what that means for education
With the importance of technology and the internet, access to these can mean the difference between finding and maintaining employment, completing homework, and building community. And a lack of access leads to marginalization in what is known as the access and connectivity divide.
⮕ Discover how this digital divide impacts equity in the face of a pandemic
Educator Stories
In this article, an educator explains that we owe it to our students, especially now, to hand over the keys and redistribute power within the ‘classroom,’ even if it is virtual for the time being.
⮕ Reconsider equity in online learning
While educators are adjusting to distance learning, Jamboard is a great tool to deliver instruction, capture student learning, and collaborate with each other virtually.
⮕ Create a culture of support during times of uncertainty and change
While educators are adjusting to distance learning, Jamboard is a great tool to deliver instruction, capture student learning, and collaborate with each other virtually.
⮕ Start creating digital worksheets today
Into this complex scenario has stepped a ragtag group of volunteers who have mobilized in garages, dens, kitchens, and vacant classrooms to use 3D printers to create tens of thousands of pieces of protective gear for those caregivers who are risking their lives to care for others.
⮕ Learn more about the educators supporting frontline workers